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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pets are people too!

The following article I've tagged here was very interesting to me.

I always knew when my daughter left to go back to school during the year, that our Alzheimer kitty showed some signs of confusion for a few weeks. She'd go into Erin's room, look around, and meow very heartfully a few times a day as if calling "where are you?" . Then, after a week or so, she'd calm back down and just be her normal confused self.

This article makes it plain that the family pet can also suffer from Empty Nest Syndrome, something that I believe now that I look back on kitty's whacko behavior. While I'm looking for things to occupy my time now that she's gone so I don't succumb to mild depression, the cat is also grieving what, to her, is a loss as well. She's used to sleeping next to a live, warm body at night. SHe's used to sitting in a lap during the day, slumbering while my daughter reads or watches TV. Kitty is addicted to being with someone, having someone share the house with her. And even though she sleeps most of the time now - she is, after all, ancient! -
she still seems to really like having someone else with her.

Like I do. The house is too quiet sometimes and I long for feet stomping down the stairs asking for lunch or for a piece of misplaced clothing.

WHile I may not be as old as kitty, I realize we are two peas in a proverbial pod when it comes to missing Erin.
Something for all of you Empty Nesters who have pets to think about.

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